In the New Testament we see Christians belonging to clearly identifiable communities: local churches. They shared life with each other, they were committed to their leadership, and they welcomed new converts into this community (Acts 2:42, 46-47).
As we try to build King’s on the principles we see in the New Testament, membership is how we give definition to this idea of mutual commitment and shared purpose.
We run a course called “Explore Membership” several times a year for people who have been attending King’s for a while and want to make it their home. It’s a chance to meet the leaders, hear more about the story of King’s and what we believe, ask questions and discover how to play your part.
Our next course is on Thursdays 6th, 20th & 27th of March. Session 1 will include dinner at Dan & Julie Hudson’s home. Sessions 2 and 3 will take place at the church building. You can book your place here.
You can download the booklet that accompanies the course, explaining what King’s believes and what we do, here.
Book your place