Running Partners

What is Running Partners?

Running Partners is designed to help Christians run the race of life alongside others.

Running Partners meet for an hour or so every few weeks to intentionally encourage, spur on and pray for one another. The aim is that through mutual openness, support, gentle challenge, and prayer, each of us might become more and more like Jesus so we might be better equipped to serve our families, our workplaces, our church, and our community.

You can watch Chris and Matt introduce it in this video…

How does it work?

Groups of three tend to work best. There is no ‘leader’ in a Running Partnership. The idea is about mutual discipleship, so it will probably be beneficial to partner with people who are at roughly the same stage of life.

What you talk about is up to you, but we encourage you to share openly and be purposeful about growing in God together.  You could look to build up trust as you start to meet. We can provide you with some suggested questions to ask one another and provide you with some resources to help you get started.

These groups need not be permanent. We suggest you review after six months of meeting together. Many groups will run together for a season and then multiply, which is essential for welcoming in others.

How do I get started?

You may be doing this already. That’s great! If you’re not, why not ask a couple of others in church to do Running Partners with you.

Existing friendship is not a pre-requisite for doing Running Partners.  If you don’t know who to ask, we’d love to help. Fill out this form and we’ll do our best to link you up with a couple of other people.

If you’d like some more information about Running Partners and some suggested questions to help you and your Running Partners grow in God together, download our document.