Our story

Every church has a story, these are some of the highlights from ours…


A team led by Matthew and Ann Clifton-Brown from City Church Newcastle, begin moving to Edinburgh to plant a Newfrontiers church in Scotland’s capital.


King’s Church Edinburgh begins to meet in living rooms across the city. More and more people join us, especially students, and soon we start gathering for Sunday services in public venues.
In the following years, we see many people giving their lives to Jesus and getting baptised, and we become an autonomous church with our own eldership team.


After huge amounts of sacrificial giving and a year’s renovation, our first building, in Gayfield Street, was ready for use. It would witness a lot of worship and many a ceilidh.

Our staff team continues to grow and we are able to do more and more in the city.


More incredible provision from God as we buy a wonderful Church of Scotland building on Gilmore Place (You can read the building’s story here). The previous occupants encourage us to take on the baton of passionate love for God and mission in the local area.

We continue to grow, with hundreds of people gathering on Sundays and in small groups.


As Newfrontiers develops into apostolic spheres, we join New Ground, led by Dave Holden. This enables us to connect with great leadership, brilliant resources, and inspiring churches across Europe.

People from King’s often join New Ground churches elsewhere when the time has come for them to leave Edinburgh.


A group from King’s, most of whom joined the church as students, are sent out from us to plant King’s Church West Lothian. Originally overseen by Matthew Clifton-Brown, they are now an autonomous church, established in their community and with many local people joining them.


Matthew hands over leadership of the eldership team to Dan Hudson.

A new eldership team is established, with Luke Davydaitis and Chris Rawson serving alongside Dan.


Along with everyone else, we faced the massive challenges of Covid-19 and lockdowns. So many people in King’s serve faithfully amidst all the difficulties, from adapting small groups to Zoom meetings and limited socially-distanced gatherings, to learning how to record and broadcast a Sunday service.

As government restrictions are reduced, we re-open our building, and increasing numbers of new people join us.


A hub of three New Ground churches in Scotland is established. Along with many great relationships with churches in the nation, we commit ourselves to serving and investing in Hope Church Borders and King’s Church West Lothian.

Our leaders meet together on a regular basis, we have an annual prayer event together, and we invite each other to minister to us.