The Holy Spirit

We need the Holy Spirit!

All Christians and all churches need more of God’s power and a greater awareness of His love and presence. Edinburgh and all the world needs God’s people – gathered and scattered – to be increasingly filled and changed and led by the Holy Spirit. God has promised to give us His Spirit, why would we refuse?!

On this page you will find resources to help you learn about who the Holy Spirit is, and how you can experience Him in your life.

Small group resources

We have produced a series of small group discussion materials. Each one encourages people to look at what the Word of God says about the Holy Spirit and His work in our lives. We hope that these discussions will produce faith that the Spirit wants to empower believers today and bless the whole world through them.

Part 1: Introducing the Holy Spirit

  1. Who is the Holy Spirit?
  2. The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament
  3. The Holy Spirit in the life of Jesus
  4. The Holy Spirit in the early church

Part 2: The work of the Spirit

  1. Assurance of the Father’s love
  2. Gifts: tongues
  3. Gifts: prophecy
  4. Gifts: healings and miracles

Part 3: The Spirit-filled life

  1. Go on being filled
  2. Growing in Holiness
  3. Power to Witness
  4. Led to Witness

Preaching series

From February to May 2022, we focused our Sunday teaching on the Holy Spirit. You can watch the first message in the series right here, find all of them on YouTube, or listen to them here or via our podcast.

Helpful resources

Helping Others to Receive The Holy Spirit

Helping Others to Receive The Holy Spirit

Descriptions of The Holy Spirit's Work

Descriptions of The Holy Spirit's Work
