

This series will have plenty of information and advice on how to look to the months ahead, but most importantly,  will be giving you the opportunity for you to say “Yes” to God and believe Him for great things.

09/09/2018 | Dan Hudson

God wants us to be more expectant of Him!

Expectant Chapter One - Small Group Notes

51.70 KB - Expectant-Chapter-One.pdf

16/09/2018 | Dan Hudson

We need to be expectant for God to multiply King’s, and the feeding of the 5,000 teaches us six lessons that will help us with that.

Expectant Chapter Two - Small Group Notes

47.99 KB - Expectant-Chapter-Two.pdf

23/09/2018 | Luke Davydaitis

The story of Esther shows us how God is writing a story with a happy ending, however challenging things are now. He wants Christians to be expectant people.

Expectant Chapter Three - Small Group Notes

38.83 KB - Expectant-Chapter-Three.pdf