Guard Your Heart

Guard Your Heart

This season has the potential to be stressful for many; teachers, parents, kids, and students wondering about new terms and what’s ahead, continued anxiety about the virus, anxiety about jobs. How does the gospel deal with anxiety, and how can we support others through it?

This preaching series looks at four heart-affecting issues from a biblical perspective and covers practical ways of helping people deal with emotional seasons of adjustment.

16/08/2020 | Dan Hudson

One of the common emotions we will experience in these times is worry.  What can we do when we feel anxious in order to know the peace that God promises us? In this message, Dan looks at what the Bible says about worrying, and three things we can do to combat it.

Help When I Feel Anxious - Small Group Notes

110.20 KB - Help-When-I-Feel-Anxious.pdf

23/08/2020 | Matthew Clifton-Brown

Matthew looked at righteous anger and unrighteous anger. Our anger tends to focus on proving how right we are and bringing quick retribution against someone else. God’s anger, on the other hand, is always seasoned with compassion and brings justice.

Help When I Feel Angry - Small Group Notes

425.57 KB - Help-When-I-Feel-Angry-Small-Group-Notes-Matt-Clifton-Brown.pdf

30/08/2020 | Dan Hudson

Many people are feeling “flat” these days! How can Jesus help us? Here Dan looks at how God’s word explains the roots of and cures for this pandemic of flatness we’re feeling.

Help When I Feel Flat - Small Group Notes

103.88 KB - Help-When-I-Feel-Flat.pdf

06/09/2020 | Chris Rawson

Confidence is vitally important for each of us to live life to the full.  Here Chris looks at Moses’ encounter with God at the burning bush to shows us that God himself is the only true and lasting source of our confidence.

Help When I Have Lost Confidence - Small Group Notes

128.95 KB - Help-When-I-Have-Lost-Confidence.pdf