We’re looking at the example and the message of the Old Testament prophet Jeremiah to help us handle living in chaotic and difficult days. His story is famous for being desperately hard and not immediately very fruitful but his incredible faith in God and relationship with God are encouraging, and they point us towards Jesus, the ultimate prophet, who faithfully obeyed God and suffered greatly for it – but was triumphant.
Living in God's Sovereignty19/04/2020 | Luke Davydaitis Our new preaching series starts in Jeremiah 1 with looking at how God revealed His plans to Jeremiah. This story teaches us about God’s sovereignty – His knowledge and power – and how we should respond to Him. Living in God's Sovereignty - Small Group Notes40.96 KB - Living-in-Gods-Sovereignty.pdf To download, right click here and use 'Save Link As...' |
Living Faithfully26/04/2020 | Dan Hudson Many of the constants are changing in our world- that means they weren’t ever true constants! God is showing himself to us as the constant that doesn’t change. Living Faithfully - Small Group Notes39.07 KB - Living-Faithfully.pdf To download, right click here and use 'Save Link As...' |
Living Close to God03/05/2020 | Matthew Clifton-Brown Matt continues our preaching series on the book of Jeremiah with a message about ‘Staying Close and Malleable to God’ Living Close to God - Small Group Notes32.87 KB - Living-Close-to-God.pdf To download, right click here and use 'Save Link As...' |
Living with God's Word in us10/05/2020 | Hannah Kelly In this message, Hannah explains the context around Jeremiah’s response to God in Jeremiah chapter 20 and looks at the big story of God’s promises to His people and what those mean to us today. Living with God's Word in us - Small Group Notes25.76 KB - Living-with-Gods-Word-in-us.pdf To download, right click here and use 'Save Link As...' |
Living in The Love of God17/05/2020 | Dan Hudson A look at Lamentations 3:21-26, written by the prophet Jeremiah, shows us that living in the love of God is far more important that just keeping calm and carrying on. Living in The Love of God - Small Group Notes0 bytes - Living-in-the-love-of-God.pdf To download, right click here and use 'Save Link As...' |
Living as Exiles24/05/2020 | Luke Davydaitis Jeremiah wrote to the exiles in Babylon with God’s guidance on how to live in a difficult time and place. In this message Luke helps us see how Christians today need to live that way, too; remaining close to God and working for the good of those around us in everyday life. Living as Exiles - Small Group Notes96.03 KB - Living-As-Exiles.pdf To download, right click here and use 'Save Link As...' |
Living in a New Relationship with God31/05/2020 | Dan Hudson In Jeremiah 31, the Old Testament promise “I will be their God and they will be my people” speaks of a time when people will be able to have new relationship with God. In this message Dan helps us see what this new promise, this new covenant, means for us today. Living in a New Relationship with God - Small Group Notes81.35 KB - Living-in-a-New-Relationship-with-God.pdf To download, right click here and use 'Save Link As...' |
Living with Future Hope07/06/2020 | Chris Rawson The news in the last couple of weeks has been filled with the racial injustices we’ve witnessed in the United States. But racism and racial injustice aren’t new sins and nor are they just American ones. Each of us must guard our own hearts against this evil. Here Chris looks at Jeremiah 32 and reminds us that our God is a God of justice. God cares deeply about this issue, therefore we should too. Living with Future Hope - Small Group Notes85.57 KB - Living-with-Future-Hope.pdf To download, right click here and use 'Save Link As...' |