Iron Sharpens Iron

Iron Sharpens Iron

The church is something God has ordained to display his love to the whole world. But church as we used to know it looks so different these days!

In this series we’ll look at how the church, the family of God, can rediscover the joy of responsible relationships with one another; what it means to be brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, and what it looks like to worship as a family these days.

Whether you’ve found yourself digging deeper into your relationship with church, or are aware that you’ve stepped back and become more of a spectator, we hope this series helps you engage more with God and his purposes for his church!

13/09/2020 | Don Macmillan

Christianity is an experience of Jesus, and an experience of family. To start our `Iron Sharpens Iron’ series, we invited Don MacMillan to come and speak to us on what it means to be part of the family of God.

20/09/2020 | Dan Hudson and Dara Oyewole

One of the things that has made lockdown life hard is the inability to sing together; it’s one way the church family encourage and exhort one another in our relationship with God. Here Dan and Dara, one of the King’s Worship Team leaders, share their thoughts on why singing our worship to God is important, and how to keep at it in these times.

Learning the Family Song - Small Group Notes

105.55 KB - Learning-the-Family-Song.pdf

27/09/2020 | Matthew Clifton-Brown

Ephesians 4:15 says `we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ’; here Matt looks at how we can keep growing, and help each other to keep growing, so that the church keeps growing, even in the midst of these difficult, socially-distanced times.

Growing Up - Small Group Notes

79.26 KB - Growing-Up.pdf

04/10/2020 | King's Church

Galatians 4:4-7* tells us we have been adopted into God’s family as his children; what does it looks like for us to demonstrate family relationships amongst the church, in a way that demonstrates the glory of God?

*For clarity: the passage he’s speaking about is definitely Galatians 4!

Sons and Daughters - Small Group Notes

76.92 KB - Sons-and-Daughters.pdf

11/10/2020 | Dan Hudson

There are many people who would offer us opinions on how to live our life, but relatively few who genuinely care about us. In this message Dan reminds us that God wants His Kingdom to be filled with those who express His motherly and fatherly heart to others, and looks at how we can do that.

Mothers and Fathers - Small Group Notes

90.82 KB - Mothers-and-Fathers.pdf

18/10/2020 | Matthew Clifton-Brown

Matt spoke to us about how the New Testament envisions us relating to one another as brothers and sisters, part of the same family.  We are not to be simply like a family, we are a family: His family!

Brothers and Sisters - Small Group Notes (Matt Clifton-Brown)

265.92 KB - Brothers-Sisters-Small-Group-Notes-Matt-Clifton-Brown.pdf