Jesus was asked what the most important thing to do in life is and He replied: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbour as yourself.” (Matthew 22:36-40) This preaching series will explore what loving like Jesus looks like in our everyday lives as we look upwards to love God, inwards to love the Church, and outwards to love those in need, our neighbours, and our enemies.
Being loved like Jesus21/10/2018 | Akhtar Shah The key to everything is knowing that we are loved like Jesus. Being loved like Jesus - Small Group Notes37.01 KB - Being-loved-like-Jesus.pdf To download, right click here and use 'Save Link As...' |
What is the love of Jesus like?28/10/2018 | Dan Hudson If we’re to learn to love like Jesus, we need to know what his love is like. What is the love of Jesus like - Small Group Notes42.50 KB - What-is-the-love-of-Jesus-like.pdf To download, right click here and use 'Save Link As...' |
Loving Those in Need11/11/2018 | Jen Rawson As part of our love to Jesus, we need to love the many around us that are in need. Jen helps us to see how that is biblical, and gives us some practical tips on how to do it. Loving Those in Need - Small Group Notes50.64 KB - Loving-Those-in-Need.pdf To download, right click here and use 'Save Link As...' |
Love Your Enemies18/11/2018 | Luke Davydaitis Jesus tells us very simply and plainly to love our enemies. This might seem impossible but with God all things are possible. When we consider how He has treated us we can begin to see how we can become like He is. Love Your Enemies - Small Group Notes52.32 KB - Love-your-Enemies.pdf To download, right click here and use 'Save Link As...' |
Loving The Church25/11/2018 | Matthew Clifton-Brown Paul says in Ephesians 5 that Christ gave his life for the church, and valued His people, the church, more than anything else on Earth. This high view of the church, Christ’s bride, should stir us to have an equally high value of the church. Loving The Church - Small Group Notes35.71 KB - Loving-The-Church.pdf To download, right click here and use 'Save Link As...' |
Loving Your Neigbour02/12/2018 | Dan Hudson Jesus tells us to love our neighbour. The parable of the good Samaritan teaches us lessons about what this means for our lives, and how we can live differently to love our neighbours as Jesus does. Please note that the video Dan talks about at the end is available via a link in the notes. Loving Your Neigbour - Small Group Notes43.92 KB - Loving-Your-Neigbour.pdf To download, right click here and use 'Save Link As...' |