God calls certain men to care for the church by serving as elders. This two-part series examines what the Bible has to say about the calling and character of elders: what they do, who they should be, and how this is good news for everyone in the church.
If you’d like more information on what we think about leadership at King’s, we have a document that you can read here.
The Calling of Eldership07/10/2018 | Luke Davydaitis The New Testament churches were led by teams of elders, which is a model we have shaped our church on. Here we explain the thinking behind this, what elders should do, and how the church can respond to them. The Calling of Eldership - Small Group Notes55.04 KB - The-Calling-of-Eldership.pdf To download, right click here and use 'Save Link As...' |
The Character of Eldership14/10/2018 | Matthew Clifton-Brown The books of 1 Timothy and Titus in the Bible highlight 10 qualities needed for Eldership that should also be aspired to by all followers of Jesus. The Character of Eldership - Small Group Notes36.55 KB - The-Character-of-Eldership.pdf To download, right click here and use 'Save Link As...' |