Songs of the Servant King

Songs of the Servant King

We’re preparing for Easter by looking at Isaiah’s prophecies about Jesus, the Servant King who came to die for us.

31/03/2019 | Luke Davydaitis

The first of Isaiah’s “servant songs” tells us many wonderful things about Jesus and helps us to see Easter as the fulfilment of God’s great plan.

Beholding Jesus - Small Group Notes

42.18 KB - Beholding-Jesus.pdf

07/04/2019 | Matthew Clifton-Brown

Matthew looks at the over-arching purposes of God in choosing a people and promising to Abraham that through his seed all the nations of the world would be blessed.

Salvation to the Ends of the Earth - Small Group Notes

31.80 KB - Salvation-to-the-Ends-of-the-Earth.pdf

14/04/2019 | Luke Davydaitis

The final Servant Song in Isaiah confronts us with our wretched sinfulness and the horror of the cross, and gives us the hope that God will deal with our sins at the cross and give us Jesus’s righteousness instead.

The Suffering Substitute - Small Group Notes

40.82 KB - The-Suffering-Substitute.pdf

21/04/2019 | Dan Hudson

Dan spoke about how in Luke 4 Jesus quotes Isaiah 61 to show how He is the answer and what that really means for us.

How the Risen Jesus Transforms Lives - Small Group Notes

44.84 KB - How-the-Risen-Jesus-Transforms-Lives.pdf