Sunday 30th May, 4pm, in-person and online
Please watch this video from Dan which invites you to attend a big family moment for King’s as Matt and Ann Clifton-Brown share what God has got next for them.
Matt is the founding elder of King’s, leading the team which planted and established King’s back in 2002 until 2018, and he and Ann have invested their lives into King’s throughout that time and since then.
As this will be a special occasion, we will be holding an in-person event which you can book your place at here. We’ll be hearing their news, as well as a contribution from Dave Holden, who leads the New Ground family of churches that we are part of. We’ll be taking time to worship and pray and prophesy too.
Do please book your place and come along so you can hear from them and pray for them. For those who are unable to attend, details about how we will livestream this will be provided nearer the time.
Book your place