We want in-person church services to work really well for all the family. Here are some questions you may be asking about how this can happen…
Adults are expected to distance two metres from other adults of different households but children under 11 are not required or expected to distance from children or adults.
Face coverings are not required for under 5s.
While singing is not permitted, they can engage in worship by dancing, twirling, jumping, waving their hands in the air or swinging their legs while sitting. Joining in actions is always welcome and there will be songs for this at our family-friendly gatherings!
Please feel free to bring a snack if your child needs something to keep them going (or keep them quiet). However, please ensure they don’t share it with other children.
Our disabled access toilet will be open for you to use, this has baby changing facilities.
The chairs will already be arranged in typical household size groups to ensure the 2-metre distance rules. Practical team helpers can assist if you need more chairs.
Due to limitations on meeting sizes we are unable to currently offer separate children’s work. For family-friendly services, activities will be provided to engage your child as part of the service. For our usual small in-person services, you may wish to bring quiet activities for your children (e.g. books, colouring, a small toy, tablets on silent).
During family-friendly services, there will be a short all-age teaching talk (5-10 mins). For our other in-person services there will be a short preach of approximately 20 minutes.
Please contact Rachel Fleming.