Acts and the New Normal

Acts and the New Normal

The early chapters of the book of the Acts of the Apostles are full of rapid and dramatic change. With the amazing news of Jesus’s resurrection still fresh, the first Christians also learned how to live their daily lives in a new way and create new communities of faith. Jesus still wants His people to be responsive to His leading so let’s learn from the brilliant examples we have in Acts.

14/06/2020 | Dan Hudson

This is the first message in a brand new series called Acts and the New Normal. It’s all about how we can learn from the approach the early Christians took in the face of massive challenge and change in their everyday lives and how God used those challenges and changes to further his purposes and see the world come to know Jesus.

We often discover what kind of people we are when faced with solitude and spare time. Most of us find we’re not primarily “constant in prayer people”. But we’re all on a journey in prayer. We have places to go in this important area, and the story of the early church in Acts encourages and helps us on our way.

Everyday Prayer - Small Group Notes

102.26 KB - Everyday-Prayer.pdf

21/06/2020 | Matthew Clifton-Brown

What does it mean to be baptised in the Holy Spirit, and how does the picture of cruise control on a car help us understand it better? Here Matt preaches on the topic of Everyday Power from Acts 2.

28/06/2020 | Matthew Clifton-Brown

In this message Matt looks at the story of Philip from Acts 8, who preached the gospel and did amazing signs and wonders amongst people in a culture that hadn’t heard the gospel before. How was Philip equipped to do that?

Everyday Equipping - Small Group Notes

77.72 KB - Everyday-Equipping.pdf

05/07/2020 | Luke Davydaitis

God is generous and He wants His people to be like Him: Acts 4:32-37 summarises the early church’s response. As we look to be generous every day, Luke gives us 14 biblical motivations.

Everyday Generosity - Small Group Notes

99.97 KB - Everyday-Generosity.pdf

12/07/2020 | Andy Wall

Andy shared three secrets to living in a way that invites God to work through you:

  1.  Be in community.
  2.  Keep your eyes open to what God is doing.
  3.  Recognise what God has given you.
Everyday Opportunities - Small Group Notes

276.43 KB - Everyday-Opportunities-Andy-Wall.pdf

19/07/2020 | Luke Davydaitis

How do Christians respond to loss and death? From the example of the believers in Acts 7:59–8:2, Luke looks at the biblical idea of lament and how we can do this today.

Everyday Grieving - Small Group Notes

124.86 KB - Everyday-Grieving.pdf

26/07/2020 | Dan Hudson and Hannah Kelly

The church in Jerusalem that we read about in Acts had many strong leadership gifts; leadership isn’t the preserve of the few, and God wants his church to be filled with leaders and influencers – in church, in culture, in homes, in work. Hannah and Dan discuss what that can look like for us today.

89.49 KB - Everyday-Leadership.pdf

02/08/2020 | Dave Holden

Church these days looks very different from a few months ago; here Dave Holden, who leads the New Ground family of churches that King’s is a part of, encourages us from Acts 2: 42-47 on how we can still be church in this new normal, and keep growing.

09/08/2020 | Dan Hudson

Joy isn’t determined by what’s happening around you; in this message based on Acts 13:52 Dan looks at how early Christians were filled with joy, even though they faced pretty extreme challenges.

Everyday Joy - Small Group Notes

116.72 KB - Everyday-Joy.pdf