Free From

Free From

Paul’s letter to the Galatians is full of great news about all the things that Jesus has freed us from. This preaching series is all about the hope and the liberty that Christians have – and how God is offering this wonderful new life to any who put their faith in Him.

18/01/2015 | Luke Davydaitis

Where is your life heading? Wherever you feel it’s going, this message is about the hope you can have today.

25/01/2015 | Luke Davydaitis

01/02/2015 | Matthew Clifton-Brown

08/02/2015 | Dan Hudson

22/02/2015 | King's Church Edinburgh

01/03/2015 | Matthew Clifton-Brown

22/03/2015 | Luke Davydaitis

29/03/2015 | Dan Hudson

12/04/2015 | Matthew Clifton-Brown

17/05/2015 | Luke Davydaitis

31/05/2015 | Matthew Clifton-Brown

21/06/2015 | Luke Davydaitis