More Than Conquerors: Believing God and Moving Forward

More Than Conquerors: Believing God and Moving Forward

The book of Joshua has a lot to say about being a people who follow God, which is the kind of people we want to be. We’re going to look at the characters who appear in the story, and what they tell us about different aspects of being more than conquerors.

28/05/2023 | Dan Hudson

Dan starts our new series by focusing on the character of Joshua, and the lessons God taught him in preparation for the key role he had to play.

04/06/2023 | Luke Davydaitis

Israel’s conquest of the Promised Land makes for difficult reading, so it’s important that we know what really happened and why. Along with explaining this, Luke looks at the parallels and differences between the mission Joshua was given, and the one that we have been given.

Small Group Notes - The Commander of The Army of The Lord

123.28 KB - SG-notes-Josh-5-Battle-Belongs-To-The-Lord.pdf

25/06/2023 | Chris Rawson

We’re all on a journey of faith as individuals and as a church family together. In the story of Rahab in Joshua 2, we see that the journey of faith begins with God’s invitation to unexpected people, that it is grounded in who God is and what He’s done, and that it requires a radical response from us.

02/07/2023 | Luke Davydaitis

The Ark of the Covenant was at the heart of everything in the life of ancient Israel, including the conquest of Jericho. In the same way, we must prioritise and cherish the presence of God in our lives.

The reading list that Luke mentions is available here, and more information about Running Partners can be found here.

09/07/2023 | King's Church

Our series from the book of Joshua continues on the power of sin and why disobedience matters so much to God.

16/07/2023 | Lydia Simpson

On Sunday, Lydia continued our preaching series on More Than Conquerers talking about The Daughters of Zelophehad, how they took hold of their inheritance and what we can learn from them.

23/07/2023 | Raphael Mrode

Raphael continues our series in the book of Joshua  looking at the role of Israel as a nation then, and the role of the church now, in fulfilling God’s purposes.

30/07/2023 | Dan Hudson

Dan continues our series in Joshua with a look at Caleb; an example of persevering faith, a refusal to give up believing God and a determination to be involved in what God is doing.

During the preach, Dan quoted from Jerry Bridges on “How to preach the gospel to yourself every day”.  If you’d like to pray through the scriptures he references,  this blog post is helpful.

06/08/2023 | Stephen Chittick

Stephen continues our series in Joshua with the story of the tribe of Joseph; a people asking for more but then struggling to believe and take hold of what God has promised them. Stephen shares his own experience of believing God and taking ground, and encourages us to have faith for where God can take us.

13/08/2023 | Luke Davydaitis

In Joshua 15 verse 63, we learn that Jerusalem had not yet been captured, which is very significant given how important Jerusalem became.  Here Luke speaks about how David achieved this much later (2 Samuel 5:6:7), and how we can learn from David’s faith as we face strongholds today.


(The recording starts a little after Luke began speaking, which may make for a bit of initial confusion – sorry about that! The complete message is available on our YouTube page.)

20/08/2023 | Karen Capon

Karen showed us how God’s faithfulness means that He keeps His promises and gives His people rest, no matter how long it takes.

27/08/2023 | Dan Hudson and Luke Davydaitis and Chris Rawson

We finish our series on Joshua by thinking about how God told Israel to remember His faithfulness as they looked forward to conquering the land – and then we do the same by sharing some of the events we have planned for the term ahead.


You can find out more about our autumn events here.