Other messages

Other messages

Preaching from guest speakers and one-off topics.

15/02/2015 | Keiran Dunne

Kieran Dunne, of The King’s Church, Mid-Sussex, joins us to help launch our Spring Alpha Course.

15/03/2015 | John Wyatt

Professor John Wyatt joins us as a guest speaker and preaches here from 2 Corinthians 4: 6-12 and 16-18. In this passage, the Apostle Paul shows us God’s amazing grace and strength in the midst of our created fragility.

08/08/2015 | Simon Elliott

Simon Elliott shows us how principles from the life of Josiah, in 2 Chronicles 34-35, help us in what God has called us to do.

27/09/2015 | Dave Holden

If we are to live the life God called us to, and join with Him in building His Kingdom, then we need to know who He is. Preaching here from John 1:1-3, Dave Holden helps us see how Jesus does this for us.

Who is Jesus? - Small Group Notes

39.19 KB - Who-is-Jesus.pdf

04/10/2015 | Phil Ford

Phil Ford from Hope Church, Glasgow, joined us to launch our Autumn Alpha Course.

01/11/2015 | Andy Wall

Following a morning of hearing how Jesus changes lives, Andy Wall concludes by looking at the story of Matthew’s first encounter with Jesus.

08/11/2015 | Dan Hudson

After an exciting evening of baptisms and testimonies, Dan Hudson showed us that, in Christ, we leave behind the old and are reborn into the new.

31/01/2015 | Adrian Holloway

Adrian Holloway joins us once again to launch this term’s Alpha Course at King’s.

31/01/2016 | Matthew Clifton-Brown

God is calling us to glorify him in our city, and reflect the multifaceted nature of God to our city. In this message Matt outlines God’s vision for us in our city, and challenges us to mix it with faith as we move into the year ahead.

Vision Preach 2016 - Small Group Notes

40.52 KB - Vision-Preach-2016.pdf

05/03/2016 | Suzanne McLeister

At our Women’s Breakfast, Susanne McLeister of Hope Church Borders spoke about the strength and courage of the Lord, from Habakkuk 3: 19 and the story of Gideon.

06/03/2016 | Ann Clifton-Brown

This Mothers’ Day, Ann Clifton-Brown looked at three different mothers in the Bible, and what we can learn from their stories.

13/03/2016 | Andy Wall

Following another morning of hearing about the hope that Jesus offers, Andy Wall concludes by looking at the story of the Samaritan woman at the well in John chapter 4.

27/03/2016 | Matthew Clifton-Brown

Through looking at the story of the disciples on the road to Emmaus, Matt Clifton-Brown invites us to encounter the risen Jesus.

17/04/2016 | Jen Rawson and Dan Hudson

Jen Rawson shared about the opportunity for us as a church to partner with Safe Families for Children, helping share God’s love with vulnerable families in our community.

Dan briefly explained how the Bible teaches how we’re to respond to the many needs in our world we come across as Christians.

Safe Families For Children Launch - Small Group Notes

34.38 KB - Safe-Families-For-Children-Launch.pdf

25/09/2016 | Will Tant

On our Alpha Launch Sunday, Will Tant shared his story and explained his confidence in Christianity.

13/11/2016 | Dave Holden

Going on an adventure with God is not about our personality type but about the access we have to God and our intimacy with Him.

It's Time For An Adventure - Small Group Notes

43.66 KB - Its-Time-For-An-Adventure.pdf

08/01/2017 | Cat Davison and Peter Johnson and Jackie Sihota

As we looked ahead to a new year, three preachers spoke on different ways we can start out well.

Three Ways to Start the New Year Well- Small Group Notes

24.60 KB - Three-Ways-to-Start-the-New-Year-Well.pdf

12/02/2017 | Andy Wall

After a morning of hearing stories about how Jesus has changed lives today, Andy concludes by showing us how Jesus responded to the leper that came to Him asking for healing at the start of Mark’s Gospel.

02/04/2017 | King's Church

Jesus has the answer to the problems of humanity. His answer to Nicodemus is the same for us: we must be born again.

21/05/2017 | Dan Hudson

We live in an age lacking hope, but the church is called to be a community flooded with hope.

How to be a People of Hope - Small Group Notes

40.73 KB - How-to-be-a-People-of-Hope.pdf

03/09/2017 | Matthew Clifton-Brown and Luke Davydaitis and Dan Hudson

On ‘Launch Sunday’, Matt, Luke and Dan laid out their vision for what is to come at King’s. God has done amazing things here over the past 15 years and we’re calling on Him as we begin the next stage of His great plan for us.

01/10/2017 | Andy Bannister

`With so many world religions and philosophies on offer, why should anyone turn to Jesus?’ This is the question addressed by Andy Bannister, director of the Solas Centre for Public Christianity, and an Adjunct Speaker for Ravi Zacharias International Ministries, at our Alpha Launch Sunday morning service.

05/11/2017 | Dan Hudson

This message was recorded during a time when, as a church, we were reflecting on all the new initiatives we’d launched. It looks at the story of the church in Antioch in Acts 11, which tells a remarkable story of God’s grace.

A Grace-Filled Church - Small Group Notes

47.03 KB - A-Grace-Filled-Church.pdf

12/11/2017 | Dave Holden

Jesus steps into the stories of people’s lives so that we step into His story. The way He relates to his disciples is the way He relates to the church – put your faith and your actions in the work of Jesus. Your life should become less and less about yourself, slowly becoming more and more about Jesus.

Stepping Into His Story - Small Group Notes

38.55 KB - Stepping-Into-His-Story.pdf

19/11/2017 | Andy Wall

In the parable of the lost sheep, Jesus gives us a picture of what it means to be one of his followers – someone who was lost and wandering, then saved by the good shepherd who joyfully picks us up to carry us home. As believers, we apply this by continuing to trust Jesus to lead us throughout our lives, trusting that His ways are the best, He is trustworthy and we can share in His joy.

Carried Home - Small Group Notes

33.34 KB - Carried-Home.pdf

07/01/2018 | Josh Oldfield

Jesus is our true hope. By his death and resurrection we know hope for today, tomorrow, and eternity.

Jesus is our True Hope - Small Group Notes

33.89 KB - Hope-2-of-2.pdf

07/01/2018 | Alice King

Alice King began 2018 by reminding us where our hope is found.

What is our hope?- Small Group Notes

37.75 KB - Hope-1-of-2.pdf

14/01/2018 | Dan Hudson

Jesus mission statement in Luke 19 says, “The Son of Man came to seek and save that which was lost”. En route to the cross, where Jesus would suffer and die for the sins of the world, he passed through Jericho and found a prime example of the people he came to save. He called Zacchaeus by name and invited himself to dinner at his house. God wants us to see ourselves like Zacchaeus, in need of saving grace.

21/01/2018 | Matthew Clifton-Brown

We need to see prayer as a relationship, rather than a meeting with our bank manager!

How to Pray - Small Group Notes

26.73 KB - How-to-Pray.pdf

04/02/2018 | Dan Hudson

God is about a great work in your life, in your family, in this church, and in his church worldwide. The Apostle Paul reminds us of the confidence we can have in the work of God.

Five Fights of Faith - Small Group Notes

50.51 KB - Five-Fights-of-Faith.pdf

18/02/2018 | Jonny Mellor

Our faith is in a Person not a list of facts; it is a mystery, and this has profound implications for how we think about God and share His truth with others.

18/02/2018 | Jonny Mellor

God calls some people to significant cultural influence, and all of us to be available to Him by refusing to hide ourselves away from the world.

Called to Kings - Small Group Notes

55.57 KB - Called-to-Kings.pdf

04/03/2018 | Martin Charlesworth

Concern for those in need was a non-negotiable part of gospel preaching and church planting in the New Testament (Galatians 2:1-10). We must make sure that is still true today, especially at this key time for our nation.

Please note: a few minutes were missed from the beginning of this recording. We are very sorry about this.

Remember the Poor - Small Group Notes

31.18 KB - Remember-the-Poor.pdf

04/03/2018 | Martin Charlesworth

William Wilberforce kept himself in a place of influence to fight for those in need. We must make sure that we do the same, especially at this key time for our nation.

Deploying your Faith - Small Group Notes

31.23 KB - Deploying-your-Faith.pdf

25/03/2018 | Dave Holden

The primary reason for everything we do is to make Jesus known. The world is in desperate need for news about Jesus, to hear about Him and see Him at work through us.

Hidden Treasure - Small Group Notes

41.60 KB - Hidden-Treasure.pdf

01/04/2018 | Dan Hudson

According to Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:3-8 the news of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus is more important than anything!

Jesus is Alive; so what? - Small Group Notes

35.18 KB - Jesus-is-Alive-so-what.pdf

01/04/2018 | King's Church

A garden, and a tomb that had previously not seen death in it before, becomes the place where Jesus’ body is laid – it’s Eden all over again, but this time life is being brought back to humankind. The resurrection of Jesus restored humanity’s relationship with God and defeated death for all who put their trust in him.

Jesus Is Alive So What - Evening - Small Group Notes

26.82 KB - Jesus-Is-Alive-So-What-Evening.pdf

22/04/2018 | Dan Hudson

God is calling us to build a House for God. We want to be a church for all, a church for all of Edinburgh, and a church where all of us are ‘all in’.

Our Vision - Building a House for God - Small Group Notes

104.79 KB - Our-Vision-Building-a-House-for-God.pdf

30/09/2018 | Josh Gilbert

Josh Gilbert shares how a passion for experiences led him to realise that in the end only Jesus can satisfy our deepest longings.

04/11/2018 | Dave Holden

We must proclaim the gospel with authentic power and we have every reason to believe that God wants us to do this and will empower us to do so.

Jesus Is Alive So What - Evening - Small Group Notes

26.82 KB - Jesus-Is-Alive-So-What-Evening.pdf

06/01/2019 | Lydia Simpson and Raphael Mrode and Phil Brown

We started 2019 with three separate preachers at both our morning and evening services, all talking on aspects of how God shapes us. In this session, Lydia Simpson speaks on Being Confident in God’s Plan, Raphael Mrode looks at Praying Through God’s Word, and Phil Brown speaks on The Great Commission: Making Disciples.

06/01/2019 | Danny Robinson and Hannah Kelly

We started 2019 with three separate preachers at both our morning and evening services, all talking on aspects of how God shapes us.

13/01/2019 | Dan Hudson

God is calling King’s Church to be a church for ALL, a church for ALL of Edinburgh, a church where we’re ALL in with our hearts and lives, a church that preaches ALL the Gospel, and a church that goes into ALL the world.

The Five `All's of King's Church - Small Group Notes

49.81 KB - The-Five-Alls-of-Kings-Church.pdf

10/03/2019 | Adrian Holloway

Adrian uses the story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman to explain how Jesus offers Himself and His salvation to any who ask Him.

Searching for Approval and Significance - Small Group Notes

26.72 KB - Searching-for-Approval-and-Significance.pdf

17/03/2019 | Chris Rawson

Our annual finance report for the previous year was given on Sunday 17th March 2019; here is the recording of it. If you would like to see more details, please email office@kingschurchedinburgh.org to request a copy of the report.

17/03/2019 | Dan Hudson

For a Christian giving is growing. Giving isn’t God’s way of raising money, but his way of raising children.

Please note, this preach came after the 2019 King’s finance report which is what Dan refers to, that report can be found in the recording `Finance Report 2019′ in this sermon series.

The Grace of Giving - Small Group Notes

44.40 KB - The-Grace-of-Giving.pdf

24/03/2019 | Don Macmillan

Don Macmillan from Safe Families for Children Scotland visited us in 2019 to challenge us about the love of God and invite us to get involved in that charity’s great work with vulnerable people in our city.

Don't Walk By - Small Group Notes

40.84 KB - Dont-Walk-By.pdf

12/05/2019 | Jess Robinson and Tim Cocking and Josh Oldfield

Jesus said the greatest commandment was to love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul and all your mind. In this talk featuring three preachers, first Jess Robinson challenges us on how we can best handle corporate worship in a biblical way, Tim Cocking shares practical tips for worshipping with everything in our everyday lives, and Josh Oldfield speals on the mind and how God doesn’t look for our intellectual ability but rather for our love of Him.

12/05/2019 | Dave Holden

Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit to do all that the Father had called Him to do – we need this too!

Anointed for Action! - Small Group Notes

42.42 KB - Anointed-for-Action.pdf

09/06/2019 | Lizzie Brown and Doris Mrode and Guy Pembroke

3 members of King’s spoke on the topic of prayer. Lizzie talked about the importance of praying continuously. Doris reminded us that prayer is powerful and so we must pray for, and with, each other. Guy spoke about how we need to be persistent in prayer, but when we are to keep those prayers full of faith.

Prayer - Small Group Notes

44.31 KB - Prayer.pdf

08/09/2019 | Dan Hudson

God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things. That’s the story of the birth of the church in Antioch in Acts 11. God wants to do more of this today, so here Dan inspires us to seek that and be open to how that could happen.

Multiplication Mindset - Small Group Notes

39.42 KB - Multiplication-Mindset.pdf

15/09/2019 | Dan Hudson

To be a thriving church that is used to build the Kingdom of God, we need to follow the example of the early church in Acts. This means being all in and putting each of our gifts to good use in serving others.

Everyone Engaged - Small Group Notes

41.55 KB - Everyone-Engaged.pdf

29/09/2019 | Karis Cookman

The gospel is the Good News that Jesus saves and transforms our lives. Will you taste and see that the Lord is good, and overcome the barriers that may stop you from living that to the full?

The Good News - Small Group Notes

30.94 KB - The-Good-News.pdf

27/10/2019 | Dave Holden

Our God is a living, giving God! Jesus shows this to us in so many ways and calls us to respond to His generous offers of generosity.

Asking and Receiving - Small Group Notes

36.48 KB - Asking-and-Receiving.pdf

08/12/2019 | Luke Davydaitis

The Christmas story is about the incarnation, God taking on human flesh. It’s extremely complicated but so important because the incarnation is the key to all of Christianity: it explains how Jesus could do miracles, teach with authority, die and rise again to new life – and for all of this to have an impact on us.

The Incarnation - Small Group Notes

42.13 KB - The-Incarnation.pdf

05/01/2020 | Raphael Mrode and Guy Pembroke and Ann Graham

We had 3 preachers this week.

Raph Mrode spoke on God the Father and how He is great, powerful and the heart He has for us.

Guy Pembroke spoke on God the Son and how you can get to know God the Son, telling us a bit of his own story.

Ann Graham spoke on God the Spirit and how we can be filled with the Spirit to be God’s witnesses which may be the most important mission we ever have.

12/01/2020 | Luke Davydaitis

The Sabbath is a gift given to us by God but many Christians aren’t sure what to do with it. Luke suggests the principles of rest and rejoicing can help us make the most of the weekly restoration God is offering us.

Resting and Rejoicing - Small Group Notes

35.93 KB - Resting-and-Rejoicing.pdf

08/03/2020 | Chris Rawson

Jesus didn’t come to simply “upgrade” our lives. He came to save us from death and give us a totally new life that will last forever.

15/03/2020 | Dan Hudson

As the world continues to face a chaotic and unsettling time, Dan helps us remember Who is on the throne, and how we should live in the light of that truth. (Please note that the Government’s guidance on social distancing has changed since this sermon was recorded and we’ve changed our policies accordingly.)

22/03/2020 | Dan Hudson

When David was facing a time of despair, anxiety, and incredible pressure, he found strength in God (1 Samuel 30). Here Dan picks out the where, who, and what of David’s story to help us seek God in unprecedented times.

15/11/2020 | Dave Holden

For our main church service on 15th November 2020 we joined with 1000s of others across the globe as the New Ground family of churches came together to worship, pray, connect and hear God’s word. Here’s Dave Holden preaching on the importance of continuing to walk with God even in challenging times.

04/04/2021 | Keiran Dunne

In this Easter Sunday message, Kieran Dunne shares the joyful message behind the holiday: that Jesus died for our sins, then rose again to give us new life and fix our brokenness.

11/04/2021 | Luke Davydaitis

In the first of two special messages on what the resurrection of Jesus means for us today, Luke reminds us that it means joy, now and forever, and the very accounts of Jesus’s resurrection prove this in their tone as well as their content.

The Resurrection Means Joy - Small Group Notes

102.95 KB - The-Resurrection-Means-Joy.pdf

18/04/2021 | Dan Hudson

In the second of our two-part series on the meaning of the resurrection, Dan reminds us that the fact that Jesus conquered death and came back to life means He has won life for us – and to this day has the power to totally change our lives for the better.

The Resurrection Means Life - Small Group Notes

106.07 KB - The-Resurrection-Means-Life.pdf

25/04/2021 | Dave Holden

Dave Holden digs in to Isaiah 61, to encourage us that this is a season of vital preparation in which the Holy Spirit can do remarkable work through us.

06/06/2021 | Dan Hudson

In this message Dan looks at King Hezekiah’s Passover detailed in 2 Chronicles 29-30. This Passover celebration looked a little messy, but it was done for the glory of God; church life may be looking a little messy in the coming months as we return from lockdown, but God will still use His church, and we can still participate.

Messy Church Messy World - Small Group Notes

164.21 KB - Messy-Church-Messy-World.pdf

03/10/2021 | Dave Holden

Dave Holden, who leads the family of churches that King’s is a part of, speaks on knowing God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, as individuals and also together, as a church.

(Dave’s previous preach, which he refers to in this message, is still available here.)

31/10/2021 | Luke Davydaitis

Psalm 104 is a song of celebration about God and His creation, a glimpse and a taste of creation as it should be – and how it will one day be again. It isn’t currently like this, and the Bible gives us a unique perspective on this, and motivation to change.

Psalm 104 - Caring for Creation - Small Group Notes

150.67 KB - Psalm-104-Caring-for-Creation.pdf

07/11/2021 | Dan Hudson

As we gave thanks one Sunday for lots of new life in the church at a Baby Thanksgiving, Dan spoke on what it means to be born again, and the new, full, eternal life we can all receive when we give our lives to Jesus.

14/11/2021 | Dave Holden

On New Ground Sunday Dave Holden looked a community described in Psalm 84 and what it tells us about churches that follow God, serve their communities, and go from strength to strength.

30/01/2022 | Dan Hudson and Luke Davydaitis and Chris Rawson

Jesus is going to use His church to bring about His Kingdom and make His glory known – it’s an eternal purpose! Here Dan, Luke and Chris talk through what is on their hearts for how King’s can live that out together as church, as family.

Vision Sunday 2022 - Small Group Notes

139.30 KB - Kings-Church-2022-Vision.pdf

06/03/2022 | Dan Hudson

Learning to excel in generosity is a vital part of Christian discipleship.   Giving isn’t God’s way of raising funds but raising children.

Throughout the Bible we see how God’s people would be taught to honour him with the first-fruits of their income.  In the New Covenant, God opens a way for us to mirror His generosity to us in Christ  through joyful, expectant, systematic, unassuming, settled giving.

17/04/2022 | Dan Hudson

As we celebrate Easter, Dan looks at how all three Persons of the Trinity were involved in the resurrection and the hope that Jesus’s victory over Death gives us right now.

15/05/2022 | Martin Dunkley

It was great to have Martin Dunkley visit us, sharing brilliant stories from his life that show how we can expect to see breakthrough when our confidence is in God.

19/06/2022 | Dan Hudson

On our Joyful Noise Sunday – where anyone, of any age and ability, could bring along an instrument and join in the worship – Dan spoke on how we can all know quiet, noisy, continuous joy.

21/08/2022 | James Hibbert-Hingston

At our All-Age Service James speaks on how God can take the little we bring to Him – time, talents, gifts – and work miracles so it becomes a lot more than we could ever imagine.

04/09/2022 | Dave Holden

Dave Holden speaks to us on the exciting, equipping work of the Holy Spirit, who fills us with His power so that we can take the good news of Jesus to the world around us.

The Holy Spirit Sends Us - Small Group Notes

325.11 KB - The-Holy-Spirit-Sends-Us-Dave-Holden.pdf

29/10/2022 | Terry Virgo

This recording is from the first session at the Grow: Together event with Terry Virgo.

Session 2 and Session 3 are also available.

This  event was part of our Grow leadership training course; you can find out more about that here .

29/10/2022 | Terry Virgo

This recording is from the second session at the Grow: Together event with Terry Virgo.

Session 1 and Session 3 are also available.

This  event was part of our Grow leadership training course; you can find out more about that here .

29/10/2022 | Terry Virgo

This recording is from the second session at the Grow: Together event with Terry Virgo.

Session 1 and Session 2 are also available.

This  event was part of our Grow leadership training course; you can find out more about that here .

30/10/2022 | Terry Virgo

In looking at the story of Moses being called by God, Terry Virgo helps us identify and deal with areas that could be holding us back from fully serving God and seeing His power work through us.


If you would like to go more in depth to the story of Moses, Terry has written this excellent book you may enjoy reading.

11/12/2022 | Luke Davydaitis

Here’s Luke’s short message from our Carol Service on Sunday 11th December 2023.

18/12/2022 | King's Church

We dig in to the words of `Hark! The Herald Angels Sing’ to reveal what the name Emmanuel, God With Us, means for us.

29/01/2023 | Andrew Bunt

Andrew takes us through Asaph’s journey from frustration at injustice to trusting in God’s goodness in Psalm 73.

Is Jesus Worth It - Small Group Notes

367.25 KB - Is-Jesus-Worth-It-Small-Group-Notes.pdf

05/02/2023 | Dan Hudson and Luke Davydaitis and Chris Rawson

Dan, Luke and Chris share about the vision they believe God has called us to in 2023.

Vision 2023 - Small Group Notes

515.20 KB - Vision-2023-Small-Group-Notes.pdf

26/02/2023 | Dan Hudson

Dan teaches on the topic of generosity and gives an update on the financial situation at King’s Church.

29/04/2023 | Peter Anderson

This is the first session of the Grow Together course from Saturday 29th April, with Peter Anderson speaking on `Leadership Faith’.

29/04/2023 | Peter Anderson

This is the second session of the Grow Together course from Saturday 29th April, with Peter Anderson speaking on `Discipleship and Church Planting’.

29/04/2023 | Peter Anderson

This is the third session of the Grow Together course from Saturday 29th April, with Peter Anderson speaking on `How to Make Disciples’.

18/06/2023 | Mike McLeister

God’s people always face opposition, but Jesus overcame so that we could overcome. Mike McLeister shows us how God gave Nehemiah grace to do this.

08/10/2023 | Adrian Holloway

Adrian Holloway visited us and share a message of hope and healing.

10/12/2023 | Luke Davydaitis

One of the many prophecies about Jesus in the Old Testament starts with a hopeless scene of fallen trees. What does this have to do with Christmas? Listen here to find out.

28/01/2024 | Dan Hudson and Luke Davydaitis and Chris Rawson

On Vision Sunday the elders shared from Isaiah 61. God has called King’s church to be a “Planting of the Lord for the display of his splendour”, growing in maturity and fruitfulness here in Edinburgh and planting out new churches and congregations across Scotland and the world.

31/03/2024 | Kenneth David-West

On Easter Sunday 2024 we heard from Dr Kenneth David-West from the African and Carribbean Christian Fellowship from Glasgow.

10/11/2024 | Dave Holden

As Jesus steps into our story He invites us to step into His. By faith we are called to leave everything behind & follow Him & live for Him alone.

15/12/2024 | Luke Davydaitis

The sudden interruptions in the Christmas story are just the start of Jesus demanding that we allow Him to do for us what we desperately need Him to.

05/01/2025 | Dan Hudson

As we begin 2025, let’s recalibrate not just to a new calendar year but to the God who is making all things new and holds our past, present, and future in His hands. God is ABLE to do immeasurably more, God is FAITHFUL to keep us, and God is SOVEREIGN as King eternal—let these truths shape our year.

12/01/2025 | Terry Virgo

Terry Virgo takes us through the call of Moses to help us see what might be holding us back from stepping into freedom and the fullness of what God is calling us to.

19/01/2025 | Guy Pembroke

The meeting between Jesus and Zacchaeus teaches the Good News that though we are “lost” as a result of our wandering, we are still loved by God. Turning around to Jesus will result in entering God’s inner circle.

Note – near the beginning of this recording we hear some real good news, that the brother of someone in our congregation who was a prisoner in Iran has been set free!