

Whatever is happening, God remains the same.   In this series we’ll be reminded of who He is, of what He is like. We’ll consider His character and explore His nature; some things will be familiar and some may be what, perhaps, we shy away from.  Let’s listen and come to know Him more fully, love Him more passionately, obey Him more wholeheartedly, and tell others about Him more often.  He is unchanging.

04/07/2021 | King's Church

In Exodus 33 and 34, we get a glimpse of God’s glory and hear about His mercy; both are infinite, everlasting, perfect – and knowable, through the person of Jesus.

Glorious and Merciful - Small Group Notes

137.30 KB - Glorious-and-Merciful.pdf

11/07/2021 | Raphael Mrode

Raphael talks to us about God’s omniscience – His all-knowing nature – in relation to the depth of God’s love, His guiding protection, and His plans for us.

18/07/2021 | Lydia Simpson

Continuing our series on unchanging attributes of God, Lydia talks about God’s faithfulness, reminding us that God’s faithfulness is underpinned and guaranteed by His truth, and exploring that faithfulness through four key words: dependable; trust; remember, and share.

25/07/2021 | Jen Rawson

Jen looks at the story of Hosea and Gomer to remind us of God’s nature of reconciliation; He is our Father who forgives while we do not deserve it, and we are to follow this family trait of forgiveness and reconciliation in our own lives.

God the Reconciler - Small Group Notes

106.75 KB - God-the-Reconciler.pdf

01/08/2021 | Dan Hudson

We’re perhaps used to talking more about the grace of God than the God of Grace, but grace flows from the God who is grace.

The God of Grace - small group notes

474.04 KB - God-of-Grace.pdf

08/08/2021 | Luke Davydaitis

God’s perfection may be something that we take for granted, or apply our own understanding of “perfect” to, but there’s much more to be discovered and amazed by when we study the words the Bible uses to tell us that God is perfect.

God is Perfect - small group notes

448.46 KB - God-is-Perfect-Small-Group-Notes.pdf

15/08/2021 | Luke Davydaitis

One of the many ways that God is different to us is that He sees everything, there is nothing that He doesn’t see and know about. The first person to realise this in the Bible was a woman called Hagar; in this message Luke helps us see from her story three things that God is looking to do with His vision.

The God Who Sees - Small Group Notes

107.16 KB - The-God-Who-Sees.pdf

22/08/2021 | King's Church

God disciplines those he loves and while this can be painful, it’s actually an expression of his fatherhood to us. He shows his love through offering us transformation, a journey into Christlikeness and the end result is that we can participate in the Holiness of God.

The God Who Disciplines - Small Group Notes

101.75 KB - The-God-Who-Disciplines.pdf

29/08/2021 | Chris Rawson

In the final message from our series about our Unchanging God, Chris speaks about the all-sufficient nature of God, and what it means for us that He is a God who needs nothing from us.

God is Self-Sufficient - Small Group Notes

209.69 KB - God-is-Self-Sufficient-Small-Group-Notes-Chris-Rawson.pdf