A People of Praise

A People of Praise

God calls His people to worship Him in Spirit and truth, so over this series we’ll be looking at some of the things we learn about praise from the book of Psalms and the life of Jesus.

16/04/2023 | Dan Hudson

In this opening message Dan explores what it means to be a people of praise. It speaks to our deepest longing for identity, sacrifice, authenticity and heart.

23/04/2023 | Luke Davydaitis

Fear is frequently used positively in the Bible to describe how people respond to God; Luke looks at what that means and why it isn’t as scary an idea as we might think.

Laura Powell summarises John Flavel’s book, “Triumphing Over Sinful Fears”, here.

Quotes used from Michael Reeve’s book Rejoice and Tremble: “The nature of the living God means that the fear which pleases him is not a grovelling, shrinking fear. He is no tyrant. It is an ecstasy of love and joy that senses how overwhelmingly kind and magnificent, good and true God is, and that therefore leans on him in staggered praise and faith.” (p.67) “[Fear] is not the dread of sinners before a holy Judge. It is not the awe of creatures before their tremendous Creator. It is the overwhelmed devotion of children marvelling at the kindness and righteousness and glory and complete magnificence of the Father.” (p.101)

Bible passages that Luke read:

Psalm 34
Psalm 66
Psalm 96
Psalm 103
Psalm 146
Isaiah 6:1-8
Luke 5:1-11
Luke 7:36-50
Luke 19:37-40 and Matthew 21:14-16
Matthew 28:1-10
Hebrews 12:18-24, 28-29
Revelation 1:10, 12-18
Revelation 4:2 – 5:14

30/04/2023 | Dan Hudson

God has called us to be a people who joyfully praise him. God is a joyful God, and the gospel is joyful good news! God’s word directs us to deliberately find joy in God, and the Holy Spirit gives us joy when we lack it. Therefore scripture encourages us  to express outwardly the joy he gives with our hearts and hands and voices.

07/05/2023 | Dara Oyewole

Psalm 95 is a great encouragement to us to be a people of praise. Dara looks at what we can learn from it, and apply this in our times of worship together and by ourselves.

14/05/2023 | Dan Hudson

Dan wraps up our People of Praise series looking at being baptised in the Spirit means, and how the work of the Holy Spirit fuels our praise.