God’s Grace To You in 2022

God’s Grace To You in 2022

We start 2022 with a three-message series all about God’s grace, reminding ourselves of some of the great truths about God and who He is as we face the year ahead.

09/01/2022 | Luke Davydaitis

In the first in a three-part series looking at the grace of God, Luke reminds us that, as much as we may doubt it, God’s love is always being poured out on us, without reservation. It’s abundant, and He is lavishing it upon you even now!

God Loves You - Small Group Notes

115.71 KB - God-Loves-You.pdf

16/01/2022 | Luke Davydaitis

Sudden changes of plan can be frustrating and distressing, but God can use these moments to form humility in us – and this will release incredible grace in our lives.

Humility - Small Group Notes

137.76 KB - Humility.pdf

23/01/2022 | Hannah Thresher

Because of Jesus, we have free and unhindered access to the Father, this is wonderful! Hannah reminds us of this and helps us to avoid falling into legalistic tendencies with the good things God has given us.

Delighted in Grace - Small Group Notes

125.72 KB - Delighted-in-Grace.pdf