The Gifts of Righteousness

The Gifts of Righteousness

In Paul’s letter to the Romans, we learn so much about what God has done for His people, and how they are to live. The idea of “righteousness” is central to Paul’s thinking – appearing over 50 times in various forms. As we learn what righteousness means, we will see that it is far more than one gift among many, it is essential to all that God is doing.

13/10/2024 | Luke Davydaitis

Paul starts his letter to the Romans by introducing himself, his Master, the Romans themselves, and the gospel.

20/10/2024 | Dan Hudson

The wrath of God is the “problem” that the gospel solves. Dan shows us that this sobering message is true for everyone, but so is the offer of salvation in Jesus.

27/10/2024 | Luke Davydaitis

Fear, guilt, and shame are massive forces in all human cultures – and the gospel offers transformative hope for all these things. Romans 3 shows us that Jesus redeems us from sin’s power, atones for our sin, and gives us His righteousness.

03/11/2024 | King's Church Edinburgh

Jesus offers eternal life and life to the full, but how are we supposed to access it? The book of Romans turns to the story of Abraham to find an answer.

17/11/2024 | Chris Rawson

In Romans 5, we find that the results of our justification are peace with God, ongoing access to God’s grace, and unbreakable hope, even in the midst of suffering.

24/11/2024 | Stephen Chittick

Stephen continues our series on the book of Romans with a look at the start of chapter 6. The impact of Jesus’ death and resurrection doesn’t start when we get to heaven.  It starts now.  When we become Christians we move from a point where sin is the master to complete freedom in Christ.

01/12/2024 | Colin Gault

Colin continues our series on Romans by leading us over the rocky ridge of chapter 7 to the marvellous heights of chapter 8, highlighting the importance of the Law in knowing sin and the transition from Law to Grace.

08/12/2024 | Dan Hudson

The gospel brings about three powerful assurances for every believer: assured identity as Gods children, assured hope in suffering, and assured help in weakness.

02/02/2025 | Josh Strike

The gospel is good news, and when you have good news it’s worth sharing.  As Paul paints his picture of the good news in Romans, in this passage in Chapter 10 he challenges believers to be speaking about this good news, with the promise that those who hear, believe and call on the name of the Lord will be saved!